Thursday, October 26, 2006

What Is The Price Of Mechadolls

The Madness Ayris

Genere: fantascienza

Questo è il primo racconto con cui ho partecipato all'edezione 2005 del concorso Racconti dall'Oltrecosmo (trovate il link nella sezione dedicata ai concorsi).

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Oggetto non identificato di Alessandro Bardi
foto realizzata da A. Bardi


27 Marzo 3678 data terrestre. Porto spaziale città di Cartago su Terra 9.

the final preparations were underway for the shipment, Alan was in there, was the first time he had to, of course being a well-known psychiatrist was obvious that sooner or later would be his turn.

There had been some new arrivals on the planet and Ayris was his duty to lay the psychiatric.

Alan playing with a pencil at the entrance of the ship while casually checked that everything you need to be loaded on board.

A voice distracted his attention from the gentle swing of the pencil.

" We ended Dr. Lucci. "

" Okay, alerts the captain and the team that we can go," said irritably.

Since Earth was about nine she had never heard the name correctly, they were almost on the border of human and colonial frontier was difficult to meet some native (as they were called the people of Earth 1) , then some of its parts, it was virtually impossibile.Ci would take two weeks to travel to reach Ayris, and did not like it at all, but these reports were made, not counting that it would seek further fame in the medical circles.

After several hours of departure, the crew gathered in the dining room, where Alan had been holed up for some time, lying comfortably on a chair, began to observe them carefully: the commander, and the four soldiers who were supposed care for his safety in case there were problems.

commander Rahintir, Alcoholism Terra 5, and headed the team responsible for the direct flight maneuvers.

" So what about captain of this route? It promises a smooth ride? Or is there a risk of running into something very nice? "

said the young doctor with a smile.

"Do not worry Dr. Lucci should not encounter any problem until Ayris. Take this moment to introduce the four members of the team: we are brothers and Geneis Teor Rish of Reistur planet just beyond our border, Lieutenant Rile as she and Liam Land belonging to a breed of so-called Land of Cyclops 7 ".

Tutti risposero con un breve cenno del capo.

Alan li osservò attentamente, non aveva mai visto dei reisturiani, era veramente uno spettacolo impressionante, senza dubbio avevano qualcosa in comune con la specie umana, forse contatti in tempi lontani, il loro aspetto era per grandi linee simile al suo, a parte le loro lunghe braccia che arrivavano a posarsi sul pavimento, la loro bocca che univa due fessure che probabilmente collaboravano ad assolvere funzioni uditive ai lati del capo, avevano una intensa salivazione che non si sforzavano di trattenere e i loro occhi erano simili a quelle degli insetti costituiti da un insieme di piccole celle; rimase lì un po’ a fissarli, poi però decise to look away.

the only peculiarity of Rile seemed to be having a grumpy and annoying character, at least that was perceived at first glance, Liam was a Land of Cyclops 7, had studied these particular abuses during his studies, particular mutations they suffered in past centuries so completely lost sight (it is thought to defend the light of great intensity that is everywhere on the planet because of their continuous passage of comets in short), on the other hand, however, developed in a manner other superlative directions, which manage to perform the same tasks of the "blind" without any difficulty.

The first day passed in a climate cold enough that Alan was uncomfortable, then to the third day, Liam came up smiling.

"Doctor I heard that PlanetOne on these trips are made twice a year to update the database about the new hospital admissions may not .. but if they can take on the medical staff planet? "

" Well Liam, Ayris, or PlanetOne is commonly known as a planet is used for the care of mentally disturbed that you think are totally sunk and can not be reintegrate into society ... these people are sent there from all over the empire under the jurisdiction of human and is updated twice a year and spread out the database reports on new subjects, one can not occupy the medical staff on the planet why not c ... 'and medical personnel on the planet. The control is totally entrusted to the machines, it was deemed pointless wasting money, well, give me the time, watch a bunch of crazy, "she smiled.

Then came that Rish had heard the conversation and mumbled in a very improvised land:

Quanto tempo durerà la missione?”

Non credo troppo tempo, ci sono cinque nuovi soggetti, dovrò avere dei colloqui con loro, redigere i referti e scrivere un giornale che descriva tutti i nostri movimenti sul pianeta durante la permanenza per fini di archivio….suppongo non ci vorrà più di una settimana”.

“Bene dottore” rispose il reisturiano.

Il viaggio proseguì senza intoppi fino all’approdo principale di Ayris.

Chiedo permesso berthing for ship Alo 32 "announced the captain.

A robotic voice said

"Recognition made docking platform agreed 23. Captain Rahintir good stay. "

A short time later they were on a shuttle computer that led them to Alfa hotel where they were kept by the subjects reached less than a year. The accommodations were basic, but they would be busy for several days and then it was not a problem.

Alan, took out a great record by a drawer and began to draw up the report of the mission day by day as he had been ordered.

Here are some pages written in those days:

April 10 3678 hours 23:40 on Earth. Structure Alfa Ayris planet.

"This morning we arrived on the planet, after we settled in our lodgings, accompanied by Lieutenant Rile Teor Rish and I proceeded to visit the first patient.

The subject responds to the name of Als is a Veturii degree in electrical engineering, is evident denote dysthymic disorder provide to the folder as indicated by the physician who ordered his confinement on Ayris, suffers from low self-esteem and feelings of despair with obvious suicidal tendencies and also suffers from disonnìa, it is proposed that time spent on Ayris of two years to ensure the absence of risk entering into the social person's attitude also the use of telekinesis.

In the afternoon I visited the second subject, Alessio termination of Earth 1, at first I was led to interpret his behavior as a demonstration of peace and pleasure nell'interloquire with some of its parts. After careful observation I tied his excessive emotionality and attention seeking to a histrionic personality disorder. "

April 11 3678 hours 23:00 on Earth. Structure Alfa Ayris planet.

"This morning, escorted by Geneis Rish Liam and I have analyzed the subject's number 3.

Liam was intrigued by the patient and I agreed to his request to be present with me in the talks while stranze Rish would have controlled from the outside in accordance with the regulations.

Patient Lars Vitman Earth 4, an expert in informatica e progettazione robotica.

Dopo un lungo dialogo con il paziente mi è sembrato di riscontrare i lineamenti del profilo schizoide, sembra non provare piacere nelle relazioni troppo strette, preferisce le attività che riescano a lasciarlo in disparte e mostra una freddezza al di fuori del comune, tranne, ovviamente quando cade vittima di crisi che lo portano alla totale perdita del controllo durante le quali è portato a vaneggiare; il soggetto comunque, non ha dimostrato la minima tendenza durante il colloquio a comportamenti violenti nei miei confronti, né di tipo verbale né di tipo fisico. Ho però la sensazione, che ci siano ancora dei punti oscuri nella definizione del profilo del paziente, probabilmente will need to arrange a further meeting.

The subject is analyzed in the afternoon from Rayl Sjtk Slorius recently colonized planet, an expert in communications and mechanical engineering. This is undoubtedly a clear borderline with murderous instincts.

is a tendency to self-injurious behavior, paranoid ideation and unjustified anger.

The practice acts of self harm is certified by the presence of an impressive number of scars at the wrists, even if I exclude that are driven to suicidal feelings.

Note: During the evening meal, I noticed some strange behavior in Liam, is probably the first time you are surrounded by mentally disturbed people, actually mostly spend sleepless nights because of the cries of the patients and their death threats, but the situation is controlled by computerized machinery so I do not think Liam might fear some physical threat from the patients. "

April 12 3678 hours 23:00 on Earth. Structure Alfa Ayris planet.

" Liam looked awful this morning clearly had not slept, kept saying that we are in danger of feeling the presence of a serious threat and his speeches were often interrupted by strange convulsions and depression followed by minutes of violent, I suggested a day off but the team can not wait to leave the planet so I continued with the visits and accompanied by Lieutenant Commander Rile Rahintir after ordering that Liam should spend the day in bed.

The fifth subject is not much to say, Fikli Resur Land 8 ex-leader suffered from schizotypal personality disorder potentially dangerous.

Afternoon rincontrai Lars Vitman. I want to bring a detail, perhaps irrelevant, I announced to the computer that I met Mr. Vitman to 16, but stocks robotic accompanied him in the room only to 1630, it seems strange that the machines make "late", but probably no machine is perfect.

Vitman The interview lasted for a long time, at some point, I had the impression that he was to lead the conversation, it was safe, quiet, the more I tried to dig, the more I pulled out what I was dismissed him with a coldness and indifference incredible for a man in his condition. In mid conversation I began to feel a sense of malaise, my temples becomes covered with sweat and effort to elaborate thoughts, I began to think that just might be the cause Vitman. At one point he had a shot, but even if it was to be expected from a person like that, I was taken aback. I jumped and grabbed my coat of watching me with bloodshot eyes and the drool that ran down his lower lip. I tried to keep some quiet (as far as possible in such situations) and some of the things he said before Rhintir Rile and burst into the room and I am still puzzled tirassero out and leave me in a state of turmoil.

Vitman conditions Liam asked me if he were still capable of putting one foot after the other or something (for the recording of this interview refer to the DVD attached to the register) to which I replied by asking me what time he knew the conditions of Liam.

"All ... ... suffered the flu,"

these were the last words she could say before being locked alone in the room.

Vitman I suspect that the person has any power that acts on the psyche of living beings, perhaps beyond its control, of unspecified nature, perhaps it is able to secrete substances harmful to the brain, but I would not hazard hypothesis. Certainly the subject is extremely dangerous. I programmed a total isolation for treatment of the patient until a more complete team of doctors will not be held for further study. As conditions of the soldier Liam not improving we are preparing to leave the planet Earth before the twelfth hour of tomorrow.

Note: I am increasingly convinced that it is precisely the cause of the illnesses occurred Vitman Liam, the cyclops, having mental and physical characteristics different from those of a human of Earth 1, Probal is more vulnerable to psychic powers possessed by the subject Vitman. I suppose this is why the effects on me, came forward only after the second contact with the patient while Liam, one, was more than enough.

-End Report-"

Closed registry Alan walked thoughtfully towards the accommodation of Liam to make sure of its condition when the corridor he met the commander Rahintir visibly worried

" I went to check the ship to take off all ... are blocked access to the hangar and the computer does not accept the password for access. "

" Very strange," the doctor replied, "We go to the main control room"

At the main control room's suspicions were based Alan any keywords provided to the computer had only one answer:


"Someone tampered the computer control system of the whole structure, "said Rahintir.

"Follow me master!"

soon turned an 'area commander Alan pulled his sleeve inside a cubicle and whispered

"The author of this if not in connection with closed circuit video equipment, will surely be at least connected to the audio surveillance so we have to move quickly and silently. The only patients still sedated, able to preserve the clarity of organizing something Typically, they are the newcomers, who were waiting for my prescriptions about how to treat it with them. "

" Do you have any idea of \u200b\u200bwho can be? "

" Among the subjects analyzed the only one who has these skills to be able to take control of computers on the structure I think is Vitman. Also, I think it is also the cause of what happened to Liam he was not yet clear the actual extent of his power. "

" Well doctor, "said Rahintir" Lei, Teor e Geneis andate e neutralizzate quel bastardo, io e Rile vediamo di riuscire a penetrare nel sistema della struttura per sbloccare la porta di ingresso al centro di comando e da lì aprire le porta dell’hangar e definire i parametri per il decollo dell’astronave. Ci incontreremo tra mezz’ora all’alloggio di Laim. Dobbiamo andarcene, in fretta!”.

Il dottore chiamò i due impressionanti compagni impugnò una siringa piena di sedativo che avrebbe buttato giù un elefante mutato di Terra 9 e iniziò a correre lungo il corridoio verso la stanza di Vitman. Giunti alla stanza si acquattarono sotto la finestrella posta al center of the reinforced door.

Teor peeped opening:

" E 'in one corner attached to the headset connected to a wire coming out from the wall ... it gives back. . does not seem so cute, "she said.

" Shh .. audio is connected to the closed-loop" whispered the doctor, "tear down this door I will jump on him and impales him with this stuff."

The door was thrown down and the doctor rushed over him.

"Nooo Let Laars"

shouted the crowd soon realized what was happening.

Alan took a bit 'to be right man, but with the help of two reisturiani Vitman was soon reached from the needle pointed;

" .. ii . tk.

were the last words he said Lars before falling heavily in a dreamless sleep.

Liam Once housing the show that came to the view of the three was distressing. The Land of Cyclops 7 was curled up and hugged a leg of his bunk, his eyes rolled at a terrific speed and the drool dripping from the sides of his mouth while emitting guttural sounds senseless and crying. The madness had caught him and won. Which mental disorder was it? Dr. Lucci was even able to say, sure Liam would not be back on Earth 9 with them, as a doctor was obliged to leave it on Ayris.

Meanwhile Rahintir came and looked Rile Liam, then the doctor realized that the decision was taken and nodded.

" Soon we go, the ship is ready to take off," said Rahintir "On our arrival here on Earth will send nine teams and will resume control of the situation."

Fifteen minutes after the rocket left the atmosphere of Ayris, Alan looked at the world from her room wondering if he made the right choice with regard to Liam, perhaps those effects were temporary, perhaps would recover, but perhaps it was too late.

decided to reach the control room of the ship, where he found the only Rahintir.

" Ma .. is able to handle this alone?"

said for the sake of engaging in a conversation and stop thinking of Liam.

" Sure," said Rahintir who had noticed his presence, "the new guidance systems are so simple that even a child could go to day with a spaceship. Look .. "he pointed to a panel" Just put here the target coordinates for the rest takes care of the onboard computer. "

" Sa .." the captain said "I do not blame the decision taken with regard to Liam, would be risky to take him with us. There was nothing else to do. "

" I want to be sure what you happen ..."

A robotic voice interrupted their conversation:

" Nuove coordinate impostate….approccio pianeta Ayris”

Il volto del comandante schiarì improvvisamente

“Ma che diavolo sta succedendo…le coordinate sono forzate…stiamo tornando indietro….è impossibile cambiare rotta…”

Ma….Vitman dovrebbe essere ancora sedato..non è possibile”.

Già”rispose il comandante “a meno che…le coordinate forzate non siano state placed before us noticing what was going on ... ... "

April 30 3678 hours 12:00 on Earth. A 'standard time browsing speed by Earth 9.

" ask permission for ship berthing Alo 32 to Spaceport City Tyir return mission to the planet Ayris match Spaceport Cartago 27 March 3678."

"Wait for verification ... ... permission granted on 17 platform."

A 'and a half hours after the ship landed on the platform 17 where a group of soldiers awaited.

" save her and I guess Dr. Lucci .. This was expected for several days and Cartago, not here in Tyir "

said a senior military obviously.

" It's me"

said the only character from the ship came down with an apparently disturbed air.

" Where are the other elements of the team?".

" E 'A disaster happened on this planet, some dead, others mad. But it's not that I have to report to you .. "

man raised his left arm to reveal a valuable and ancient clock bill surrounded by a series of scars that adorned the wrist

"the city's main hospital will find people more competent than you in touch deal with these matters, at this time should be precisely the daily meeting of the leading exponents of the same. See you gentlemen. "

The man went off on his way from the eye after the officer shocked.


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