Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tight Chest From Cocaine

Everything flows

Genre: Science Fiction

This is the second story that introduced the 2005 edition of the competition dall'Oltrecosmo stories.

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Good reading.

Castelli sulle nuvole di Alessandro Bardi
photo by A. Bardi

Everything flows

Andrea and little Tommy went out together one hot summer morning, the sky was clear, clear of clouds and only a slight breeze blew his hair ruffled of the child.

- Today dad has every day off, are you happy? - Andrea said while waiting for the light to turn green allowing them to cross.

- Sure dad

The electronic voice warned pedestrians that now the move was allowed. Andrew was happy, it was a bit 'not spend some' time with his son looked at him to hurry to keep his feet moving fast step to move back and hopping on a par with the walk of his father looked at him tenderly clasping if its a soft hand.

- View, Miss Carla, do you remember her? She was a friend of her mother, to greet ..

Little Tommy opened and closed her small hand in greeting as used by the children often.

- Oh, salve signor Andrea , mi scusi se non mi trattengo ma stamane mi coglie proprio in un brutto momento – la donna ostentò un sorriso ed alzò il passo.

Andrea non ci fece caso.

- Cosa ti va di fare piccolo mio? Andiamo al parco?

- siiii.

Era stato sempre affascinato dal parco cittadino, suo padre lo portava sempre lì la domenica quando era piccino, certo molte cose sono cambiate da allora, ora sono i robot che si occupano della gestione del parco, molte delle giostre di un tempo sono state sostituiti da elaborati congegni tecnologici che secondo lui non potevano assolutamente reggere il confronto con altalene e scivoli, ma il tempo passa, la gente cambia, e probabilmente anche i gusti dei bambini subiscono lo stesso destino.

L’ingresso del parco lo lasciava sempre di stucco, il cancello verde smeraldo ricordava che gli trasmetteva qualcosa di, quasi magico, con queste piante rampicanti che si contorcevano avvinghiando tutto il muro di cinta e raggiungevano il cancello da entrambi i lati ricoprendolo per intero fino a ricongiungersi al centro di esso creando un effetto portentoso agli occhi di un fanciullo.

Certo per i bambini era qualcosa di enorme, mastodontico, mentre per un adulto non era niente di eccezionale, ma erano le sensazioni, ecco, il ricordo delle sensazioni he felt again that it had never abandoned.

Once the huge lawn that stretched to the center of the park Tommy grabbed a ball and start playing, Andrea lay nearby watching. That child was everything to him, he could not imagine how his life would be without, and then represented the ultimate sacrifice of his mother, who died of conceiving.

Andrea fell into a sort of hypnosis in observing the child who played to a stroke and his attention shifted from the soft rolling ball, the hovering of a beautiful butterfly that had happened unconsciously in his field of vision a few inches from his nose. It was orange with hints of gold and some black stripes along the wings seemed to leave a trail as a result of its rapid movement. Rested gently on a stem as intrigued by a tiny drop of dew that lay lazily on top of it. The butterfly put his paws on the edge of the drop, almost wanting to grasp, but, evidently in trouble, began to make frantic movements which led to break allowing it to wriggle goccine splitting into a thousand tiny so that they can put safely in depth of the earth.

The butterfly flew away, breaking the spell and Andrea returning to reality, Tommy had fallen and was now lì a pochi passi da lui che scrutava l’enorme buco nei suoi pantaloni. Subito si precipitò da lui a rotta di collo :

- Come stai piccolo? Vediamo…ah non ti sei fatto nulla, ma perché non stai più attento? – disse il padre seriamente.

- Papà non mi sono fatto nulla…ma starò più attento .. prometto – rispose sorridendo.

- Bravo piccolo. Ma perché giochi da solo? Dai troviamo qualche bambino della tua età. Uh c’è Carlo con suo figlio Luca.

Andrea si avvicinò all’amico:

- Carlo che ne dici di far giocare un po’ Luca con Tommy?

- Uhm…non saprei Andrea, Forse è meglio di no.

- Beh, ma si divertirebbero insieme., no, Andrea non insistere. E poi stavamo gusto per andar via.

Tornò da Tommy sconsolato e triste – Stanno andando via….mi spiace –

- Non preoccuparti papà Posso divertimi anche da solo – disse abbracciando il proprio vecchio e baciandolo teneramente.

Andrea lo strinse forte a sé e sentì that his eyes became bright.

remained at the park until early afternoon when they left the hill Lios.

- not you I've never worn it? -

- No daddy ever.

- It is said that the castle on the fortress, although it is now almost a ruin, has hosted many residents of our city during the last war and that the sunset can be admired from its towers is of incomparable beauty .

- Wow

Andrea did not even have time to turn off the engine Tommy was already down and ran towards the castle from the particular octagonal shape.

ran for hours for the huge halls of the abandoned castle: they hid, they were running, and Andrew had fun, did not enjoy as long.

At sunset, they brought up one of the towers, the show was truly exceptional disc scarlet had just disappeared behind the mountains and shone in the sky in all directions magical shades of orange, yellow and gold that were to invest all that was in the sky, clouds and birds away. They remained there until the show did not end completely, then Tommy took his father's hand:

- Let's go home?

-Sure, little boy.

The return trip took place in an atmosphere of quiet serenity.

- Tommy Did you have fun? - Andrea asked as he opened the door.

- So, Dad. But now I'm thirsty!

- Hehe ... okay a little rest in the living room while I go into the kitchen to get something.

While she was pouring the 'water a strange beep coming from his constant and insistent city troubled him making him miss the target completely:

- Energy adaptation for holographic and 3D rendering insufficient shutdown in progress - scan an item elettronca.

Andrea ran to the living room, looked at his son, and a veil of infinite sadness and immeasurable gap was projected on her face, she fell heavily on his knees holding his head in his hands. Droplets appeared to be trapped between his eyes and strong, toes tight robesta, but did not take long to find a window and escape from disappearing into the thick carpet.

remained kneeling in the dark side of the anonymous puppet stuffed circuit lifeless.


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