Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sisters Wrestling Over Property

Monastery Lantay

Genere: fantasy

Questo è il primo racconto da me scritto che abbia ricevuto una "veste digitale", e se non ricordo male dovrebbe essere del 2002.
In realtà non lo giudico granchè e credo che sopratutto verso il finale prenda una piega troppo da sessione di D&D, per chi sa cosa intendo.
In ogni caso lo posto più per una questione di completezza che per altro.

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Buona lettura.

Il monastero di Lantay

- Correre, correre non c’e altro da fare.

questo pensava mentre correva, inciampava, si rialzava, rivoli di sangue lungo le gambe, lividi; non importava.

- Se voglio vivere devo correre, non v’è altro da fare. Sento i loro aliti sul mio collo, mi sono vicini. Correte gambe, muovetevi!

La luna era già alta sulla foresta, il silenzio degli animali intorno a lui, totale; gli unici rumori erano fruscii, passi, le grida, o meglio i grugniti degli orchi.

- Trovatelo, dannazione! Restate vicini, solo dio sa cosa potrebbe fare se ci cogliesse impreparati.

Le ore passavano ma lui non accusava la stanchezza della corsa, il sole si alzava lentamente con i suoi raggi pungenti agli occhi abituati oramai all’oscurità. La temperatura si alzava e una densa foschia avviluppava gli ultimi metri della foresta, oscurando i particolari della vallata ormai vicina.

Dopo alcuni minuti una costruzione favolosa dai changing colors that stretched up to the top of its high pointed towers began to peep into the distance, winning in quell'ormai monotonous scenery. Contemplated it for a few seconds shielding his eyes from the sun with his calloused hands, then began to run.

- will be a monastery or something like that - he thought as he wiped his forehead beaded with sweat and dirty with the sleeve of his shirt worn by now.

At the door he was greeted by a man with a shaved head with a long white beard which descended a long gray tunic adorned with a single transverse band of the color of the earth, some lines were carved on her face and arms venous old and gave the impression of being very strong, at one time. His face was crossed by a broad smile to the man who was approaching with slow pace and quiet now.

- Welcome to the Monastery of Lantay young foreigner, I am Amrax - said monaco peering.

- I need help, I'm exhausted, it's all night I fly non-stop ...

- Do not add more - said the old man interrupting him - your gear must have been long and tiring views the conditions where you are, but do not worry, you can receive here care, a bowl of soup and a place to sleep. Then we'll talk.

The young man looked at him with deep breathing.

- I gladly accept.

The Monaco led the young man along a room the size impressive, probably used to the prayers. It consisted of three aisles, the two walked along the middle, which is separated from the side with two long and thick columns, the tall marble columns were decorated with frescoes depicting battles fought by all kinds of strange men who remembered the incredibly young his new "friend." On the walls room, huge mosaics depicting dragons, dark blacks as the night, shadows from incommensurable dimensions that gave the impression of being nourished by the light that penetrated huge windows on the upper part of walls.

-three of the dragon - said the Monaco - settled in this valley 200 years ago, a shipment of noble warriors was sent to face them before they had the chance to reproduce, there was a legendary battle, many died enterprise, but also one of the dragons, lost his life, the other two fled over the mountains.

The young man nodded. Changed after he was led into the dining room, the old man handed him a hot soup.

- Now Tell me of your trip, what brought you here?

- I am a farmer, I come from a village in the mountains that flank this valley - while the young man replied absently ate his meal in - and I'm awfully tired old man. Show me a place to sleep.

The Monaco was perplexed by the responses of the young.

- But yeah, right now ... I'll take you to your room.

Nella sua camera, il contadino si lanciò sul letto e iniziò a pensare al da farsi, quando dei rumori attirarono la sua attenzione; la curiosità vinse la stanchezza così, il nostro, si affacciò alla sua camera e accertatosi che la via fosse libera, iniziò a percorrere il lunghi corridoi del monastero seguendo i rumori che si facevano via via sempre più intensi. Continuò a salire e scendere rampe di scale, finchè :

- Ecco, di qualsiasi cosa si tratti, proviene da dietro questa porta.

Aprì la porticina in legno di quanto bastava per poterci infilare la testa e rimase abbagliato dallo spettacolo: si trattava di un’ampia sala piena di attrezzature mai viste. Dei monaci, vestiti con abiti simili a quelli di Amrax, compivano evoluzioni di ogni genere e combattevano tra loro utilizzando dei bastoni con un’abilità impressionante. Il parquet che ricopriva il pavimento era oramai danneggiato ed eroso, forse dai continui movimenti che eseguivano i monaci evidentemente per diverse ore al giorno.

- Ora so cosa fare – pensò ritornando sui suoi passi soddisfatto per la scoperta.

La notte passo in fretta e al mattino il giovane corse da Amrax e si scusò per il suo comportamento del giorno prima giustificandolo con l’enorme fatigue that had accumulated during the day. The Monaco urged him to let go as he had fully understood his state of mind, rather than asked him if he was willing to accompany him to the garden of the monastery to seize of herbs that would have been useful for the preparation of the meal.

- With all my heart - said the farmer.

The garden was huge, like everything in that place. In the middle there was a fountain five meters high or more by the gold trim is dominated by a dragon's head from which flowed with clear water. Its circumference was merged with the surrounding vegetation make it almost part it. Strange plants climbed all over with flowers and sparkling colors are always different.

Here and there along the paths that the two traveled there were small columns in the Roman style with lots of capital, about five feet high, on which were arranged unusual plants, from a variety of magical and healing properties.

-Amrax - began the young - yesterday you asked to know my story but my mind was too urbato and my body tried to talk about it too. Months ago a group of evil wizards got together without our knowledge on the outskirts of our village. With their magical powers have erected a huge dome that has gradually led to the destruction of our crops and before we could escape its circumference was formerly headed by a horde of orcs at the 400 service from the same wizards. For several days we have locked in our homes and we are killing one after another without mercy for women or children. I am only able to escape and are hoping for help.

- And what would be the reason that would justify such infamy? - Said Amrax breaking the fast movement of his sickle with which to get the herbs he needed.

- I can not imagine what could be the reason for such an act.

- We will help - Amrax ruled.

- What you could do monks against the bloodthirsty orcs? - Replied the young man uncertain.

- Beware of appearances boy. It is true, we are monks, but life is difficult in these lands and should be ready for any eventuality, even to fight, if necessary.

- You mean you would be able to leave my teammates? Of them escape?

- Should I see my brothers, but I think it will be happy to help. What are the chances to enter the village? And how many people would be rescued?

- By now the survivors should not be more than forty, meeting in a huge hangar. At night, the guard is entrusted to a dozen orcs, not to mention that most of the horde is scattered through the forest surrounding my search. If your brothers are good as you say and we move quickly and quietly, there are good chances for success.

That day was of great happiness, he felt that he would re-embraced his companions knew that the monks there would made, had seen their abilities, even in ten could be better in twenty orcs and cursed the weakness of his and his companions.

Monks do not think twice, it was an honor to put their skills to service a group of poor peasants, so the next day, he called a plan to quietly break into the field, leave all and escape quickly. It was decided that twenty monks would visit the village and the other good fighters, as well as the elderly, would remain at the monastery.

The journey took three days' journey after which the squad armed with sticks bows and knives camped in the bush waiting for the night. Darkness fell they started, the only steps to reverberate in the forest were those of the peasant, as the monks were moving with a lightness to the outside of the municipality.

After several hours they came near the village, a huge dome glints in the dark emerald emerged: it was an impressive performance that left all the monks with his mouth open.

-Do not worry - said the young - it can go through without any problems simply camminateci against without fear - then added, pointing to one direction between the branches - there is what is shed. The orcs are exactly twenty as I remembered.

In a moment ten monks led crawling behind ten orcs, the other ten nock the arrow, a sign, a groan in unison from obscurity by the ten arrows. A moment after ten orcs lying there lifeless, while daggers slipped out of ten legs, ten splashes of blood, ten carotid torn. The way was clear. The young farmer ran to the shed, opened the door, and his companions in a silent procession began to pass the magical barrier. But a cry broke the silence.

Gart, a young monaco, had failed, l’orco colpito dal suo pugnale era ancora vivo e gridava, lamentandosi e contorcendosi nel fango, una freccia fulminea pose fine alle sue sofferenze ma oramai era troppo tardi.

Gli orchi si erano destati e ora correvano verso di loro ringhiando e sventolando le loro pesantissime asce nell’aria. Mancavano una decina di uomini e poi tutti sarebbero stati fuori dalla barriera. Cinque monaci si frapposero tempestivamente tra i fuggiaschi e gli orchi che sbraitavano con le loro voci rauche.

- Cosa fate! Maledetti! Morirete tutti per questo, morirete tutti!

Il primo orco si lanciò sul monaco, la sua ascia si abbattè but Monaco promptly parried with his stick and with a deft movement projected it with extraordinary violence in the bare-headed ogre that was torn in two, a second Monaco took out one eye and an ogre with an arrow piercing it, but another a blow soon came from who knows where he opened his stomach spilling its guts on 'wet grass.

Soon the five were overwhelmed, their comrades mourned their loss but continued to run towards the monastery, followed by the peasants freed. Gart during the race turned back to assess how far they had managed to put together and the enemy, but he realized with amazement that the orcs were following them, but were still and struggling tearing strips of flesh to bite, and waving their arms in the air, staying on the edge of the barrier, not daring to cross it.

One morning three days later, exhausted monks and peasants came in sight of the monastery, where the party was started for a while 'since their arrival had been announced by the lookouts placed on the towers.

After 'hours of prayer for the dead, was given a great banquet outside the monastery, and Amrax, her cheeks red from the wine visibly embraced the peasant invited him to make a speech, and his proposal was accepted all with a roar of laughter and applause.

Il giovane si alzò in piedi e iniziò.

- Vi ringrazio, per i servigi che avete resi a me e alla mia gente, senza di voi, non avremmo mai potuto riconquistare la libertà e riabbracciarci nella sicurezza di non dover temere più alcun male. Già… la libertà. Prezioso bene che ci era stato tolto da quei maledetti orchi che hanno sterminato e schiavizzato i miei compagni e da quella maledetta cupola che mi ha confinato per tutto questo tempo in umili, deboli spoglie mortali, impedendo a me, A ME, Lortod signore dei draghi oscuri di assumere le mie reali fattezze.

Il silenzio più ever took possession of the room. The faces of the peasants began to change shape, deform up to tear apart by their whole body. Dark beings growing inside their womb and developed, until the present is not faced forty dragons, by the sheer scale, including Lortod stood, huge and covered by its scales as black as night, and golden hues .

All the monks found themselves gripped in a vise of terror beyond description: they tried to escape, screaming, but there was nothing to do, soon their bodies were torn apart and devoured.

Shortly after the monastery there were only a heap of rubble. Centuries of life of the monastery were Lantay been swept away in a few minutes from the fury of dragons.

-Apparently it was you have to beware of appearances, old man - thought the lord of the dragons.

After they had feasted their way to a dragon approached Lartod.

-And now my lord?

-And now it's up to those bloody wizards, no one will have something more daring. Take back our mountains!

The wings of the forty dragons unfolds, the forty fairs are projected into the sky darkened for a moment with their shadows across the valley.


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