Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Palaxis Male Enhancement

Scissors ....... The First

Even a gray day in appearance (although the sun) can bring something good.

Among the blogs I follow today's post struck me GIULIA on the figure of Pippa Bacca.


Now, everyone knows the story this girl playing with another girl, hitchhiking, dressed as brides, bringing a message of peace in countries affected by war. And the awful end that stopped the journey of Pippa almost three years ago. What I did not know is that he was an artist, he used a great deal of paper and scissors ... Look HERE .

So Julia's post made me reflect once again on this matter. Why are sincere, while sharing the high purpose and courage, I always thought that the risk was clearly higher ... too high.

Today I changed my mind. I find that it is not just a world where a girl dressed in white can not travel to get an idea of \u200b\u200bcloseness between people, beyond the conflicts, religions, political beliefs. I think that life is sacred. That there is no justification to those who kill. And that, even if Pippa is gone physically, his message came loud and clear, with his courage and his smile. That the brutality and violence have failed to stop it.

I put the link of this beautiful song dedicated to Nadia Impalà Pippa (always taken from the post by Giulia) that deserves to be listen and watch.

And especially at this time where women speak in entirely different terms, and - sadly - only ones, it seems only right to pause a moment ... thinking ... and then maybe take action. Still do not know how ... maybe we ... with scissors in hand ...


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