Genre: Horror
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The following story I have participated in the competition "300 words for a nightmare." I was very undecided about
Publication of this short story (of precisely 300 words) as the desire to condense the plot not too original in so little space I do not think has led to the conclusion that I hoped to achieve.
In any case I decided to publish it because it does not update the blog for some time and also because they are always free to remove it whenever I want.
I know I promised not to use this space to talk about anything but my stories, but this time I will make an exception to the rule.
The first news of recent months about my move to Milan, an event that has put a significant brake on my activities "parallel" because the work that still gives me very very busy today tempo per scrivere.
L'altra novità riguarda un sito di recensioni del tutto fuori dal comune che consiglio a tutti voi!!
Questo fantastico blog vi permetterà di allietare/rovinare le vostre serate cinematografiche permettendovi di scoprire i film (e a volte, inaspettatamente, i finali) delle pellicole più disparate che hanno solcato gli schermi negli ultimi due millenni! Il tutto con una rapidità che fa rabbia ai più noti giornali da metropolitana.
Il link è il seguente !!
Buona lettura.
Foto a cura di A. Bardi
The knees were about to give way as they move among his fellows. It was now accustomed to casually trample their bodies scattered in the streets.
In the distance he saw the cause of all this, a group of men coming towards him at a slow pace emitting strange sounds incomprehensible. Past them without bothering to look while the muscles of his face stiffened into a mask of hatred. He no longer had the strength to stick it ... had won.
The long avenue adorned with huge buildings now in ruins led him to a Gothic church, once it was there that members of his family gathered. The His last hope was that at least there, there were still stocks of food.
walked down the long nave in ruins until the giant altar to witness ancient orgiastic rituals in which blood flowed intoxicating his senses. This time it was the body of a young man to adorn the surface, but the pale of a senior member of the board whose hands still gripping the pole with which he had committed suicide.
At that moment he realized that would not have found that you eat. His gaze lingered on the last lines contained in the old tome that lay at the foot of the altar: "My time is over. Our source of life is now hopelessly infected. Thirst che ci aveva resi potenti e immortali ci conduce ora alla morte...”
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