Wednesday, November 1, 2006

How To Give Essiac Cat

Genre: horror

This story was also published on under the pseudonym Black Spot. You can find

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foto realizzata da A. Bardi

Realtà celate.

Il taxi lasciò la statale appena fuori Bucarest per imboccare una stradina di sterrato. Il sentiero era fangoso e presto la folta vegetazione che lo circondava fu sostituita da baracche di lamiera.

L'autista, obeso, dai lineamenti marcati e dalla carnagione olivastra pestò violentemente sul freno lasciando che la macchina si fermasse dopo esser scivolata per un buon metro su quella melma.

Luigi e Carlo si guardarono intorno: catapecchie, case semi costruite e un silenzio di tomba definivano lo scenario they face. The driver, stretched out his arm to indicate a sort of pier to right of them hidden from view by a tree. The two got out of the taxi that drove his way as soon as the taxi driver had been suspected by Luigi figure shown on the meter.

The Romanian climate at that season was unbearable: the clouds, always gather in the sky, absorb sunlight changing the colors of the landscape after the shades of gray and oppressive humidity high, leaving a feeling of unbearable hot and sticky .

They reached the pier and saw the middle of Lake Snagov monastery in the distance. From that distance seemed deserted.

Louis pulled out a guide from one of the side pockets of his pants and began to leaf through it to figure out how to cross the lake when his attention was caught by Charles indicated that a small boat that appeared to be slowly around the island obviously going to them.

The man, looking gaunt and pale face covered with a long black beard, flanked with great difficulty the boat to the dock and asked you to carry two 18 on the island. Shortly after

traveled slowly toward the monastery.

The rain began to descend on their heads and copious visual was reduced for several long minutes the sun putrid waters surrounding them.

Once delivered the boatman fell lazily to the ground, secured the boat with a rope to the dock and waved the two boys to follow him.

A small monastery of anonymous architecture stood at the center of the island surrounded by some ill-cared for garden plots, from here starts a dirt path that connected the structure to a chapel to which he headed their direction.

- I'm beginning to understand why there are not many tourists - said Luigi ending the sentence with a smile that revealed itself to its inquitudine.

Carlo nodded as they entered the chapel following the old boatman.

The chapel, also without any major architectural element, was adorned in faded frescoes represented by some horrific scenes of bloody battles in the middle a small rectangular marble relief surrounded by a few candles that had covered be the famous tomb of Vlad the Impaler.

- It is the tomb of Vlad Tepes? - Churches Carlo

The old man who had stopped on the entrance door nodded, as his side marched a group of hooded priests gathered quietly in a corner of the church to pray.

They carefully examined the tomb on which was engraved the figure of Vlad, viewing the frescoes, but was prevented from taking pictures inside then thought it best to go out exploring. The rain had fallen dramatically, but still the dark clouds covered the sky at the horizon, lightning streaked the sky in shades of blue at irregular intervals.

The surroundings did not offer anything special to the two tourists apart from an old well that stood behind the chapel, a chain was assured an old tin cup ruined by the time probably used by the whole community to draw water.

The old man fell several times against making rattle the ancient walls of the well and filled to the brim pulled up handing it to two.

Luigi approached her lips, but before drinking dropped to the ground in disgust.

- Smells ... rancid and rotten!

Charles leaned over the edge of the well: - Ma .. ... is a horrible stench of mold and rot. That there is a connection between the bottom of the pit and the grave?

- Do not know the legend about the smell that emerges from this well? Many tourists know it - broke in the old - The legend says that every two centuries, Vlad left his tomb and wanders the island in search of a sacrifice. The body is then thrown into the pit. This sacrifice ensures the protection of Vlad the island from the evil that is rampant in the forest of Snagov.

- Strange - Luigi said referring to his tour guide - you do not speak of this legend, the myth of vampires only connected to the figure of Vlad.

The toothless old man twisted his mouth into something vaguely resembling a smile: - However, they are legends. Most likely the water will rot along its route passing from beneath the chapel.

Carlo nodded.

The three went back to the boat to return to the mainland.

Before boarding the boat the man looked at the sky and watched the ceiling of clouds that covered them, while the rain was beginning to fall with violence.

- The rain falls on the dense forest. It is shortly after sunset and time of visits without exception, ends one hour before sunset ... like a taxi service in this area however. Maybe it's better that you stay here for the night. The place is safe and dry.

The old man rubbed his hands and wrapped himself firmly in his raincoat as he watched the two once again trying to define a smile on his face.

Despite the hesitancy about Louis, decided to decline the invitation and asked to be dropped off at the pier.

The rain fell with a violent roar that almost covered their voices as they tried to call a taxi, but it seemed that the Snagov forest was not covered by the networks of their phones.

- We enter one of these sites and ask if they have a phone, "said Carlo.

look on to a structure that would probably, sooner or later, due to become a farm or something, but it seemed there was none. Doors and walls torn plastered seeds showed that probably the work was in progress.

- Hello? We should call a taxi - echoed the trembling voice of Luigi inside.

A Romanian Gypsy origin and thin face peered dug.

- What do you want? There are no phones here. Use a cell phone if you have one.

- It does not work

- But it works - said, annoyed as he walked back inside the building under construction.

The two realized that the discussion would not have left the site development and groped by continuing to call until they were convinced of the futility of their attempts.

By now in despair, sat under the willow tree near the pier trying to protect himself somehow from the rain and hoping for the passage of a few cars of tourists that hitch a ride or anything else that would allow him to reach the city.

was supposed to be now in the evening but supervening le tonalità di grigio che definivano il paesaggio rimanevano le stesse, come se quella porzione del mondo fosse esente dallo scorrere del tempo.

Erano seduti lì da ore ed oramai erano fradici e stremati.

Lentamente alcuni zingari uscirono dalle baracche in lamiera appropinquandosi ai due che si alzarono in piedi.

Si posero intorno a loro ad alcuni metri di distanza e uno di loro che camminava aiutandosi con un bastone si fece avanti di qualche passo.

- Siete italiani?

I due annuirono, mentre si guardavano intorno preoccupati .

- Avete money? Can I bring my car in Bucharest. I have a horse in the cabin, look - came and took Louis to a hand pointing to a stable. The boy, now a few centimeters from his face, he found himself invested from food pestilential man whose body gave off a stench of rotting flesh and realized that while he spoke his gums were lying detached from the teeth inside the mouth, such as in dead bodies after a few weeks.

He tried to wriggle, to pull the monster's hand from his wrist, but only got to take away bits of dead skin.

Terrified he turned to Charles for help, ma era troppo tardi.

Luigi si voltò e vide la testa di Carlo fracassata mentre due di quegli esseri ne risucchiavano il cervello, aiutati dallo zingaro del cantiere che lo teneva bloccato al terreno.

Mentre i suoi occhi si spegnevano sotto la fitta pioggia di quel giorno dannato Luigi intravide in lontananza il vecchio barcaiolo al sicuro sull’isola del Monastero di Snagov e gli parve, che un velo di delusione gli stesse oscurando il volto.


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