A man tired and old, who has pursued all his life time working on that gigantic work ricomprendesse human expression in its entirety, since 'primordial origin, a man limited by impassable barriers such as time, memory, loneliness and incipient order. Then a sudden palingenesis, the "deus ex machina" that shuffles the cards on the table, lightning clears the counter, it really makes tabula rasa, terminating the old man in a burnt carcass within which, as the days pass, during a hospital where the doctors had given up from the beginning, he si rigenera completamente fino a lasciare bende e ospedale nel corpo di un trentenne in perfetta salute. Non immemore del proprio passato ma privo della gravezza degli anni, dispone ora di una mente prodigiosa, colto da ipermnesia varca i confini umani ricco di facoltà mentali illimitate: memorizza all’istante grandissime quantità di nozioni, apprende dormendo, sviscera libri senza bisogno di consultarli, sviluppa un proprio alter ego col quale poter interloquire e confrontarsi in piena libertà. Una condizione superumana, però, solo apparentemente favorevole. Sconfitto il tempo, superati i limiti, un elemento permane in lui arrivando ad acuirsi, la solitudine. Il professor Dominic Matei è solo, la sua mente peculiare immediately puts him in danger, under a false identity to disentangle between militias Romanian, Russian and German in Europe engulfed by World War II where a piece of its kind would prove to be incredibly decisive weapon in the arena of power-grabbing, forced to flee continuously, to conceal his identity as he can, is a valuable different and for this reason alone.
After the war with all the risks and problems attached, Dominic continues his intellectual quest for reaching farther than any man of his time, is now in possession of awareness so premature as to be incomprehensible for his peers and therefore incommunicable ; the face of what he decides to record its findings on a reel, through a language decipherable only in the future. Meanwhile, the man shall love his parable, who had sacrificed his youth in the dedication to the study, is again under new clothes deeply involved with his work as a scholar of language, but this time the unpredictable consequences related to its extraordinary condition to impose a new separation and a future of substantial solitude to save the life of the woman he loves.
not Faust, Manfred is not, nor is Zarathustra Dorian Gray . Dominic Matei is moving cautiously among men, abuse of capacity tralaltro did not ask anyone, if they do not brag, does not use them at the expense of others, fully understand their condition, work for the benefit of posterity and goes solo until the end of his life. After amazing and paradoxical events, during a winter night, the "deus ex machina intervenes again giving back his years, met friends in the past, old age and death of the riagguantano a stroke while walking along a street of his town in the grip of a blizzard.
Youth Without Youth (Rizzoli '07), now subtle tones, and bright and dynamic, brings into play issues such as the absolute life, old age, death, time, the voltage at the "knowledge Total "that is the basis of human curiosity and human existence that transcends almost as a sacred fire that gives no peace, but also underlines the difficulty of humans to interact with a company short-sighted, lazy and conformist. It is well suited to the sense of unease for today's hypocrisy that pretends multiple tolerances facade except isolate, discredit or abandon those who stands out, who voluntarily or involuntarily risulta non allineabile e percorre la strada della propria identità fino in fondo, fino all’ultimo, pagando questo coraggio con la solitudine.
Ha apprezzato molto anche il film tratto da questo romanzo. Francis Ford Coppola ha lavorato col trasporto del lettore affascinato. Si è impegnato in un’operazione tutt’altro che semplice, visto il tipo di scritto lontano dalle comprovate trame hollywoodiane e l’impegnativo autore che lo ha generato. The result is a film made of images and particular intense, metaphysical, dream-shattering, lynciano in some solutions, close to Bram Stoker's Dracula for certain others. Tim Roth plays a character so brilliantly surreal and reflective as Dominic, Alexandra Maria Lara plays the roles of the two lost loves of the hero with full clarity and offers Bruno Ganz in the role of first medical care and helps Dominic a great test after the very difficult role played by The Fall of Oliver Hirschbiegel in the role of Hitler.
"I do not learn well and with pleasure if not what is already known"
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