Sunday, December 17, 2006

Velicity Von Implants


Genere: horror

Se preferite potete scaricare il testo in versione pdf

Nel menù a destra trovate i link agli altri racconti presenti nel sito.

Pubblico in questa pagina la seconda versione del racconto "Gli occhi".
Riguardo la prima versione mi è stato criticato il fatto di non essere riuscito a far sviluppare la trama in modo abbastanza "comprensibile", qui sono state apportate modifiche che rendono più evidenti passaggi che precedentemente avevo lasciato tra le righe (forse troppo tra le righe).

Sono mooolto graditi consigli e commenti.

Buona lettura.

foto realizzata da A. Bardi

Gli occhi

Spesso coloro che hanno sfiorato la morte affermano di aver visto tutta la vita scorrergli davanti agli occhi in un lampo; i buddisti parlerebbero di un’apparizione del karma, ma come dovrebbe rapportarsi a una tale affermazione una mente razionale?

Renato era senza dubbio una persona razionale e la sua giovane mente da avvocato era troppo impegnata a elaborare stratagemmi per ingannare giudici e difendere assassini per porsi domande of this type, but now something prompted him to think about, something strange was happening to him at that time.

was convinced he had just left the disco with her Celica and launched it on the way home at breakneck speed, but what he saw was not the way, no, it was not the road.

There he was, with his old blue checked apron, stained by that last chocolate biscuit marched out of the bag before leaving home. The first day of school, the excitement and love then the first, second, high school, the professor who esteemed him, the joy, the death of his mother ... the pain. The years spent on books between codes and codicils, the graduated with honors, the practitioner, his study that night ... the club.

the state. Here it is.

But there was still something wrong, it was not the right perspective, it was too close to his face. Already, his face ... it felt wet, dirty.

He looked around for what's possible and realized that he was wounded and dripping blood on the asphalt feeding several small pools.

Now everything was beginning to be clear and a pale light from street lamps dimly lit scene.

Everything had a dream-like consistency, detail is immersed in a dense fog cui fino a poco tempo prima non v'era traccia. Ma che razza di scherzi mi gioca la vista, pensò Renato legando queste presunte allucinazioni al forte trauma che doveva aver subito.

Vide la sua macchina poco distante, oramai più simile ad un foglio accartocciato che ad un automobile, seguì la scia di rottami fino ad una ruota che giaceva sulle sue gambe procurandogli un dolore che temeva lo avrebbe portato da un momento all’altro alla pazzia.

Suppose che entrambi gli arti dovessero essere rotti.

Respirò profondamente per calmarsi mentre contemplava le carreggiate deserte.

Non avrebbe mai pensato di riuscire a spostarsi in quelle conditions, but at the expense of the wounds that tore his body, unable to move, as if everything he saw and felt was the result of a suggestion.

began with difficulty to crawl to the edge of the road, bleeding forearms were putting pressure on the asphalt, moving his body exhausted.

arrived at the edge of the road saw a shadowy figure a few yards away: it was standing still, as if in a trance in front of a small fire that weakened letamente danced in the darkness around him.

- But ... you're so stoned you do not have understood what the fuck happened? Help Me - Renato cried the little voice aveva in corpo mentre si trascinava verso la sua unica salvezza, sperando che fosse abbastanza in se da poter chiamare qualcuno; non poteva ignorarlo… non poteva.

L’uomo sembrò non accorgersi di lui finchè la sua mano sanguinante non sfiorò gli alti stivali in pelle; si voltò, chinò il capo e si accovacciò lentamente sul ferito.

Un largo sorriso gli illuminò il volto quando i loro sguardi si incrociarono.

Fu allora, in quegli occhi senza vita, che Renato vide la scena mancante... quella della sua morte.

Velicity Von Implants


Genere: horror

Se preferite potete scaricare il testo in versione pdf

Nel menù a destra trovate i link agli altri racconti presenti nel sito.

Pubblico in questa pagina la seconda versione del racconto "Gli occhi".
Riguardo la prima versione mi è stato criticato il fatto di non essere riuscito a far sviluppare la trama in modo abbastanza "comprensibile", qui sono state apportate modifiche che rendono più evidenti passaggi che precedentemente avevo lasciato tra le righe (forse troppo tra le righe).

Sono mooolto graditi consigli e commenti.

Buona lettura.

foto realizzata da A. Bardi

Gli occhi

Spesso coloro che hanno sfiorato la morte affermano di aver visto tutta la vita scorrergli davanti agli occhi in un lampo; i buddisti parlerebbero di un’apparizione del karma, ma come dovrebbe rapportarsi a una tale affermazione una mente razionale?

Renato era senza dubbio una persona razionale e la sua giovane mente da avvocato era troppo impegnata a elaborare stratagemmi per ingannare giudici e difendere assassini per porsi domande of this type, but now something prompted him to think about, something strange was happening to him at that time.

was convinced he had just left the disco with her Celica and launched it on the way home at breakneck speed, but what he saw was not the way, no, it was not the road.

There he was, with his old blue checked apron, stained by that last chocolate biscuit marched out of the bag before leaving home. The first day of school, the excitement and love then the first, second, high school, the professor who esteemed him, the joy, the death of his mother ... the pain. The years spent on books between codes and codicils, the graduated with honors, the practitioner, his study that night ... the club.

the state. Here it is.

But there was still something wrong, it was not the right perspective, it was too close to his face. Already, his face ... it felt wet, dirty.

He looked around for what's possible and realized that he was wounded and dripping blood on the asphalt feeding several small pools.

Now everything was beginning to be clear and a pale light from street lamps dimly lit scene.

Everything had a dream-like consistency, detail is immersed in a dense fog cui fino a poco tempo prima non v'era traccia. Ma che razza di scherzi mi gioca la vista, pensò Renato legando queste presunte allucinazioni al forte trauma che doveva aver subito.

Vide la sua macchina poco distante, oramai più simile ad un foglio accartocciato che ad un automobile, seguì la scia di rottami fino ad una ruota che giaceva sulle sue gambe procurandogli un dolore che temeva lo avrebbe portato da un momento all’altro alla pazzia.

Suppose che entrambi gli arti dovessero essere rotti.

Respirò profondamente per calmarsi mentre contemplava le carreggiate deserte.

Non avrebbe mai pensato di riuscire a spostarsi in quelle conditions, but at the expense of the wounds that tore his body, unable to move, as if everything he saw and felt was the result of a suggestion.

began with difficulty to crawl to the edge of the road, bleeding forearms were putting pressure on the asphalt, moving his body exhausted.

arrived at the edge of the road saw a shadowy figure a few yards away: it was standing still, as if in a trance in front of a small fire that weakened letamente danced in the darkness around him.

- But ... you're so stoned you do not have understood what the fuck happened? Help Me - Renato cried the little voice aveva in corpo mentre si trascinava verso la sua unica salvezza, sperando che fosse abbastanza in se da poter chiamare qualcuno; non poteva ignorarlo… non poteva.

L’uomo sembrò non accorgersi di lui finchè la sua mano sanguinante non sfiorò gli alti stivali in pelle; si voltò, chinò il capo e si accovacciò lentamente sul ferito.

Un largo sorriso gli illuminò il volto quando i loro sguardi si incrociarono.

Fu allora, in quegli occhi senza vita, che Renato vide la scena mancante... quella della sua morte.

Velicity Von Implants


Genere: horror

Se preferite potete scaricare il testo in versione pdf

Nel menù a destra trovate i link agli altri racconti presenti nel sito.

Pubblico in questa pagina la seconda versione del racconto "Gli occhi".
Riguardo la prima versione mi è stato criticato il fatto di non essere riuscito a far sviluppare la trama in modo abbastanza "comprensibile", qui sono state apportate modifiche che rendono più evidenti passaggi che precedentemente avevo lasciato tra le righe (forse troppo tra le righe).

Sono mooolto graditi consigli e commenti.

Buona lettura.

foto realizzata da A. Bardi

Gli occhi

Spesso coloro che hanno sfiorato la morte affermano di aver visto tutta la vita scorrergli davanti agli occhi in un lampo; i buddisti parlerebbero di un’apparizione del karma, ma come dovrebbe rapportarsi a una tale affermazione una mente razionale?

Renato era senza dubbio una persona razionale e la sua giovane mente da avvocato era troppo impegnata a elaborare stratagemmi per ingannare giudici e difendere assassini per porsi domande of this type, but now something prompted him to think about, something strange was happening to him at that time.

was convinced he had just left the disco with her Celica and launched it on the way home at breakneck speed, but what he saw was not the way, no, it was not the road.

There he was, with his old blue checked apron, stained by that last chocolate biscuit marched out of the bag before leaving home. The first day of school, the excitement and love then the first, second, high school, the professor who esteemed him, the joy, the death of his mother ... the pain. The years spent on books between codes and codicils, the graduated with honors, the practitioner, his study that night ... the club.

the state. Here it is.

But there was still something wrong, it was not the right perspective, it was too close to his face. Already, his face ... it felt wet, dirty.

He looked around for what's possible and realized that he was wounded and dripping blood on the asphalt feeding several small pools.

Now everything was beginning to be clear and a pale light from street lamps dimly lit scene.

Everything had a dream-like consistency, detail is immersed in a dense fog cui fino a poco tempo prima non v'era traccia. Ma che razza di scherzi mi gioca la vista, pensò Renato legando queste presunte allucinazioni al forte trauma che doveva aver subito.

Vide la sua macchina poco distante, oramai più simile ad un foglio accartocciato che ad un automobile, seguì la scia di rottami fino ad una ruota che giaceva sulle sue gambe procurandogli un dolore che temeva lo avrebbe portato da un momento all’altro alla pazzia.

Suppose che entrambi gli arti dovessero essere rotti.

Respirò profondamente per calmarsi mentre contemplava le carreggiate deserte.

Non avrebbe mai pensato di riuscire a spostarsi in quelle conditions, but at the expense of the wounds that tore his body, unable to move, as if everything he saw and felt was the result of a suggestion.

began with difficulty to crawl to the edge of the road, bleeding forearms were putting pressure on the asphalt, moving his body exhausted.

arrived at the edge of the road saw a shadowy figure a few yards away: it was standing still, as if in a trance in front of a small fire that weakened letamente danced in the darkness around him.

- But ... you're so stoned you do not have understood what the fuck happened? Help Me - Renato cried the little voice aveva in corpo mentre si trascinava verso la sua unica salvezza, sperando che fosse abbastanza in se da poter chiamare qualcuno; non poteva ignorarlo… non poteva.

L’uomo sembrò non accorgersi di lui finchè la sua mano sanguinante non sfiorò gli alti stivali in pelle; si voltò, chinò il capo e si accovacciò lentamente sul ferito.

Un largo sorriso gli illuminò il volto quando i loro sguardi si incrociarono.

Fu allora, in quegli occhi senza vita, che Renato vide la scena mancante... quella della sua morte.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Ham Characteristics After Baking

history of pirates. The deeds of bloody naval battles, the treasures and the economic power of the greatest terror of the seas.

Titolo: Storia dei pirates. The deeds of bloody naval battles, itesori and economic power of the greatest terror of the seas
Author: Nigel Cawthorne
Translator: Ragonesi AM
Publisher: Newton & Compton
Released: 2006
Series: Universal Historic Newton
885410535X Pages: 202

In this book, Nigel Cawthorne tries to define what was historically the figure of the pirate in the period of greatest emergence, that is, between 1680 and 1722.

Romantic adventurers in search of freedom and great treasures or ruthless murderers and rapists on the loose along the American coast?

History seems to favor more towards the second theory, but not in the book are still neglected aspects of the pirate's life that contributed to the birth of the romantic myth.

The protagonists are not the pirates who later became famous as Blackbeard or Henry Morgan, but the attacker as such. An attempt by testimonies of the time (many of them by Daniel Defoe) to reconstruct the customs of these people of different nationalities and languages \u200b\u200bwhich decided to unite under a single banner for more or less noble purposes.

Many of the clichés are dispelled and many supported with a paronamica that covers all aspects of the lives of these men: the dens, drinking, prostitutes, homosexuality, beliefs, life on board ship, the origins and purpose.

Certainly, the work is not without some flaws. First of all, the desire to treat all subjects of the door to piracy to become a bit 'scattered, talking about everything in general and specifically of just leaving the reader at times with some bitterness, the periods are too short, and continuous "changes Intruder "exposition make reading difficult at times, and finally the handling of weapons and maintains a tone too technical vessels, preventing the layman to follow easily.

Overall, despite these criticisms, the book offers a glimpse historically accurate piracy as a whole, and to learn many anecdotes of great interest to fully convey the folly, courage, ingenuity and greed of these men of the sea.

Ham Characteristics After Baking

history of pirates. The deeds of bloody naval battles, the treasures and the economic power of the greatest terror of the seas.

Titolo: Storia dei pirates. The deeds of bloody naval battles, itesori and economic power of the greatest terror of the seas
Author: Nigel Cawthorne
Translator: Ragonesi AM
Publisher: Newton & Compton
Released: 2006
Series: Universal Historic Newton
885410535X Pages: 202

In this book, Nigel Cawthorne tries to define what was historically the figure of the pirate in the period of greatest emergence, that is, between 1680 and 1722.

Romantic adventurers in search of freedom and great treasures or ruthless murderers and rapists on the loose along the American coast?

History seems to favor more towards the second theory, but not in the book are still neglected aspects of the pirate's life that contributed to the birth of the romantic myth.

The protagonists are not the pirates who later became famous as Blackbeard or Henry Morgan, but the attacker as such. An attempt by testimonies of the time (many of them by Daniel Defoe) to reconstruct the customs of these people of different nationalities and languages \u200b\u200bwhich decided to unite under a single banner for more or less noble purposes.

Many of the clichés are dispelled and many supported with a paronamica that covers all aspects of the lives of these men: the dens, drinking, prostitutes, homosexuality, beliefs, life on board ship, the origins and purpose.

Certainly, the work is not without some flaws. First of all, the desire to treat all subjects of the door to piracy to become a bit 'scattered, talking about everything in general and specifically of just leaving the reader at times with some bitterness, the periods are too short, and continuous "changes Intruder "exposition make reading difficult at times, and finally the handling of weapons and maintains a tone too technical vessels, preventing the layman to follow easily.

Overall, despite these criticisms, the book offers a glimpse historically accurate piracy as a whole, and to learn many anecdotes of great interest to fully convey the folly, courage, ingenuity and greed of these men of the sea.

Ham Characteristics After Baking

history of pirates. The deeds of bloody naval battles, the treasures and the economic power of the greatest terror of the seas.

Titolo: Storia dei pirates. The deeds of bloody naval battles, itesori and economic power of the greatest terror of the seas
Author: Nigel Cawthorne
Translator: Ragonesi AM
Publisher: Newton & Compton
Released: 2006
Series: Universal Historic Newton
885410535X Pages: 202

In this book, Nigel Cawthorne tries to define what was historically the figure of the pirate in the period of greatest emergence, that is, between 1680 and 1722.

Romantic adventurers in search of freedom and great treasures or ruthless murderers and rapists on the loose along the American coast?

History seems to favor more towards the second theory, but not in the book are still neglected aspects of the pirate's life that contributed to the birth of the romantic myth.

The protagonists are not the pirates who later became famous as Blackbeard or Henry Morgan, but the attacker as such. An attempt by testimonies of the time (many of them by Daniel Defoe) to reconstruct the customs of these people of different nationalities and languages \u200b\u200bwhich decided to unite under a single banner for more or less noble purposes.

Many of the clichés are dispelled and many supported with a paronamica that covers all aspects of the lives of these men: the dens, drinking, prostitutes, homosexuality, beliefs, life on board ship, the origins and purpose.

Certainly, the work is not without some flaws. First of all, the desire to treat all subjects of the door to piracy to become a bit 'scattered, talking about everything in general and specifically of just leaving the reader at times with some bitterness, the periods are too short, and continuous "changes Intruder "exposition make reading difficult at times, and finally the handling of weapons and maintains a tone too technical vessels, preventing the layman to follow easily.

Overall, despite these criticisms, the book offers a glimpse historically accurate piracy as a whole, and to learn many anecdotes of great interest to fully convey the folly, courage, ingenuity and greed of these men of the sea.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mini Sandrail Suggestions

Too many robberies after the pardon

Levata di scudi a Milano, per i sempre più frequenti episodi di criminalità a cui è sottoposta la cittadinanza. Pioggia di lettere di protesta ai giornali e copiose richieste di aiuto alle forze dell'ordine.

"Negli ultimi giorni a Milano si registra una crescita delle rapine con protagonisti ex carcerati tornati a piede libero grazie all’indulto. È singolare che uno Stato invece di difendere il cittadino lo metta in condizione di essere maggiormente esposto alla criminalità."

Mini Sandrail Suggestions

Too many robberies after the pardon

Levata di scudi a Milano, per i sempre più frequenti episodi di criminalità a cui è sottoposta la cittadinanza. Pioggia di lettere di protesta ai giornali e copiose richieste di aiuto alle forze dell'ordine.

"Negli ultimi giorni a Milano si registra una crescita delle rapine con protagonisti ex carcerati tornati a piede libero grazie all’indulto. È singolare che uno Stato invece di difendere il cittadino lo metta in condizione di essere maggiormente esposto alla criminalità."

Mini Sandrail Suggestions

Too many robberies after the pardon

Levata di scudi a Milano, per i sempre più frequenti episodi di criminalità a cui è sottoposta la cittadinanza. Pioggia di lettere di protesta ai giornali e copiose richieste di aiuto alle forze dell'ordine.

"Negli ultimi giorni a Milano si registra una crescita delle rapine con protagonisti ex carcerati tornati a piede libero grazie all’indulto. È singolare che uno Stato invece di difendere il cittadino lo metta in condizione di essere maggiormente esposto alla criminalità."

Marymichelle Nyirababyeyi

Alarm from Regina Coeli: overcrowded cells again

Il carcere romano già in emergenza a pochi mesi dal provvedimento di indulto: da 900 a 746 ed ora ospita ben 980 reclusi.
A similar situation also for the prison in Latin America.

Marymichelle Nyirababyeyi

Alarm from Regina Coeli: overcrowded cells again

Il carcere romano già in emergenza a pochi mesi dal provvedimento di indulto: da 900 a 746 ed ora ospita ben 980 reclusi.
A similar situation also for the prison in Latin America.

Marymichelle Nyirababyeyi

Alarm from Regina Coeli: overcrowded cells again

Il carcere romano già in emergenza a pochi mesi dal provvedimento di indulto: da 900 a 746 ed ora ospita ben 980 reclusi.
A similar situation also for the prison in Latin America.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hand Foot And Mouth Disease Review Papers

Coming 22 "work bags" for those who benefit from the pardon

EMILIA ROMAGNA: Coming Soon 22 "work bags" for those who benefit from the pardon.

E 'this is the new project sponsored by At Caesars, provides regional administra-tion-sector prisons.

Hand Foot And Mouth Disease Review Papers

Coming 22 "work bags" for those who benefit from the pardon

EMILIA ROMAGNA: Coming Soon 22 "work bags" for those who benefit from the pardon.

E 'this is the new project sponsored by At Caesars, provides regional administra-tion-sector prisons.

Hand Foot And Mouth Disease Review Papers

Coming 22 "work bags" for those who benefit from the pardon

EMILIA ROMAGNA: Coming Soon 22 "work bags" for those who benefit from the pardon.

E 'this is the new project sponsored by At Caesars, provides regional administra-tion-sector prisons.

Can A Mri Cause Vertigo

attacks the ex-wife and returned to cell receptors

thirties Moroccan, released from prison thanks to the pardon, he rails against his wife after hearing Como separation in court.

verbal abuse and even assault to the police intervened to quell the dispute.

Can A Mri Cause Vertigo

attacks the ex-wife and returned to cell receptors

thirties Moroccan, released from prison thanks to the pardon, he rails against his wife after hearing Como separation in court.

verbal abuse and even assault to the police intervened to quell the dispute.

Can A Mri Cause Vertigo

attacks the ex-wife and returned to cell receptors

thirties Moroccan, released from prison thanks to the pardon, he rails against his wife after hearing Como separation in court.

verbal abuse and even assault to the police intervened to quell the dispute.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

88 Jeep Cherokee Humm V Style


ORVIETO: The prosecutor calls for eight years, the court absolves them from recycling and condemns them to two for receiving stolen goods, but the effect of the pardon leave the courtroom free of court

88 Jeep Cherokee Humm V Style


ORVIETO: The prosecutor calls for eight years, the court absolves them from recycling and condemns them to two for receiving stolen goods, but the effect of the pardon leave the courtroom free of court

88 Jeep Cherokee Humm V Style


ORVIETO: The prosecutor calls for eight years, the court absolves them from recycling and condemns them to two for receiving stolen goods, but the effect of the pardon leave the courtroom free of court

Monday, November 13, 2006

Little Einsteinsmovie3gp

Discrepancies on the number of pardoned

Before we talk more than 29 thousand, more than twice previstopoi the Ministry of Justice states that are 17,449.

Alliance and the League: "The government lied about the effects of the measure"
Prodi: "It is true that they are double. Measure approved by all"

Little Einsteinsmovie3gp

Discrepancies on the number of pardoned

Before we talk more than 29 thousand, more than twice previstopoi the Ministry of Justice states that are 17,449.

Alliance and the League: "The government lied about the effects of the measure"
Prodi: "It is true that they are double. Measure approved by all"

Little Einsteinsmovie3gp

Discrepancies on the number of pardoned

Before we talk more than 29 thousand, more than twice previstopoi the Ministry of Justice states that are 17,449.

Alliance and the League: "The government lied about the effects of the measure"
Prodi: "It is true that they are double. Measure approved by all"

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Orishas And Their Colors

Out with the pardon and the father of his victim keeps

Out with the pardon and without money is held by the country.

"He killed my daughter. Thanks to the pardon was released from prison after three years in prison and now I pay the hotel because he did not even know where to go to sleep. Does this seem like a normal thing? ".

's crazy but true. Frank Gussoni 23 January 2000 has killed Sonia Di Gregorio, 20, because she wanted to leave.

Orishas And Their Colors

Out with the pardon and the father of his victim keeps

Out with the pardon and without money is held by the country.

"He killed my daughter. Thanks to the pardon was released from prison after three years in prison and now I pay the hotel because he did not even know where to go to sleep. Does this seem like a normal thing? ".

's crazy but true. Frank Gussoni 23 January 2000 has killed Sonia Di Gregorio, 20, because she wanted to leave.

Orishas And Their Colors

Out with the pardon and the father of his victim keeps

Out with the pardon and without money is held by the country.

"He killed my daughter. Thanks to the pardon was released from prison after three years in prison and now I pay the hotel because he did not even know where to go to sleep. Does this seem like a normal thing? ".

's crazy but true. Frank Gussoni 23 January 2000 has killed Sonia Di Gregorio, 20, because she wanted to leave.

How Do I Get Rid Of Psoriasis? Yahoo

killed her infant daughter, and now it's free

sentenced, with his wife, the daughter of infanticide and concealment of the little body, Dario Marchionne is back open thanks to the pardon: the Eagle Court has upheld the appeal filed by his lawyer.
The man has been given to social services and will be reunited with his wife.

How Do I Get Rid Of Psoriasis? Yahoo

killed her infant daughter, and now it's free

sentenced, with his wife, the daughter of infanticide and concealment of the little body, Dario Marchionne is back open thanks to the pardon: the Eagle Court has upheld the appeal filed by his lawyer.
The man has been given to social services and will be reunited with his wife.

How Do I Get Rid Of Psoriasis? Yahoo

killed her infant daughter, and now it's free

sentenced, with his wife, the daughter of infanticide and concealment of the little body, Dario Marchionne is back open thanks to the pardon: the Eagle Court has upheld the appeal filed by his lawyer.
The man has been given to social services and will be reunited with his wife.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Grinnall Scorpion Damaged For Sale


E 'was started a newsletter service.

Register by filling out the form found HERE , and you will be notified by mail of any news related to the site.

Grinnall Scorpion Damaged For Sale


E 'was started a newsletter service.

Register by filling out the form found HERE , and you will be notified by mail of any news related to the site.

Grinnall Scorpion Damaged For Sale


E 'was started a newsletter service.

Register by filling out the form found HERE , and you will be notified by mail of any news related to the site.

Monday, November 6, 2006

Vezon And Kardas Pieces

"The clue hidden mystery writer of the year 2007

"The Hidden Clue" ©

crime writer of the year 2007

Literary Award

The online magazine page Third World,
heading Giallografia ,

announce the
of Literary Prize "The Hidden Clue" mystery writer of the year 2007,
per il miglior romanzo giallo italiano inedito


1. Il concorso è aperto a tutti. La partecipazione è gratuita.

2. Sono ammesse opere in lingua italiana, inedite, mai pubblicate, neppure parzialmente. I romanzi dovranno avere una minimum length of 160 typewritten pages and a maximum of 220. The typewritten should be 30 lines of 60 characters or so.

3. novels yellow kind must comply with the rules of so-called "classic yellow" and then refer to the instructions given in "Twenty Rules for Writing a yellow" (see section Giallografia on or in the original "Twenty rules for writing detective stories" of SS Van Dine .

4. Each author can submit only one work. The novels should be sent to the editorial page of Third World by registered mail in four copies, typewritten or computer printed (plus an electronic version, in. Doc or. Rtf, contained in a CD which back covered in a clear title of the work) not later than 02/06/2007. The shipping details will be requested to the following email address: . 'S e-mail inviata varrà anche a titolo di iscrizione alla lista partecipanti.

5. Nel plico l'autore/autrice inserirà anche un foglio dove saranno riportati in maniera chiara e leggibile: le sue generalità (nome e cognome), il suo indirizzo (completo di via, numero civico, codice di avviamento postale, località di residenza e provincia), recapiti telefonici ed elettronici (indirizzo e-mail), insieme ad una dichiarazione liberatoria che autorizza l'eventuale pubblicazione in esclusiva dell'opera e ad un tempo concede all'organizzazione del Premio un diritto di prelazione sulla pubblicazione the same conditions as described in paragraph 9.

6. Manuscripts WILL NOT BE RETURNED for any reason. Similarly, under no circumstances, will learn about competition entries.

7. A panel of writers and technicians will examine the submitted work *** with the Editorial Page Third World and Giallografia , and decide who the winner will be promptly notified. The decision the jury is final.

8. The novel won the FIRST EDITION of Literary Prize "The Hidden Clue" consecrate the author / author crime writer of the year 2007.

The winner will be awarded the following prizes:
1. Prize money of 250 Euro
2. Targa Giallista dell'anno 2007
3. Iscrizione all'Albo d'ORO de L'Indizio Nascosto
4. Recensione dell'opera e circolazione della stessa in numerosi siti Internet.

9. A discrezione dell'organizzazione del Premio e qualora l'opera venisse considerata idonea, il romanzo premiato sarà pubblicato. La pubblicazione potrà essere curata da Terza Pagina World (necklace Giallografia ), or publisher indicated by the same organizing committee and will be contractually formalized.

10. If the quality of works in competition does not meet the technical standard literary and refined, the organization of the Award reserves the right to not declare any winner ; the current edition would then set aside while you proceed immediately to the publication of the new contract. Participation in the Literary Prize "The clue Hidden crime writer of the year 2007 implies the unconditional acceptance hereto.

*** The jury of the first edition of The Literary Hidden Clue will be as follows:

Prof. Umberto Bartocci , former professor of History of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the 'University of Perugia , author, with Tiziano Agnelli and Adriano Rosellini, of BIRTH, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF THE YELLOW BOOK IN ITALY , Brief history and catalog of policy major series published in Italy from 1903 to 1948.

Giuseppina La Ciura Born in Noto in 1947, lives in Catania. After grammar school, he attended the University of Catania, where she graduated in Modern Literature. He has taught Italian in Milan and Sicily. At fourteen years, thanks Monsieur Hercule Poirot of "The mysterious affair of styles" was madly in love with the classic yellow, a genre that, from the 90's, has begun to "betray" the European Noir.
He wrote about "Yellow Sheet" , directed by Joseph Isnardi fanzine. He has worked at "Dictionary of bibliographic Yellow" Roberto Pirani. Currently, he is editor and translator (from French and English) for the online magazine Europolar . E 'of 813 member and "Les Amis de Simenon" .

Vincenzo De Falco , crime novelist, playwright (his last work, LADRIDISOGNI , the show has been seen in Italy in 2005/2006 in category "Sports for young people"), winner, teamed with Diana Lama, the 1995 German Prize for the best yellow Italian with the novel RED AS HER. Translated and published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, manages ring yellow, yellow WEB RING Italian .

Patrick Pacioni , Roman writer eclectic but with a strong vocation to yellow-noir. After his debut with the short novel "A Long Goodbye" (1997 Taurus - the tragic love story that weaves between brother and sister more than just teenagers), the trilogy begins noir: "Lac du Dramont" (New Authors 2000) " Chatters (New Authors, 2001) "DalleTenebre (Effedue Editions 2002). After a break that saw him grapple with the novel-intimate drama "Mater" (Effedue 2004) and "One arm of the lake" (Effedue 2005 - surprising, original and irreverent review of Manzoni's masterpiece) the conduct of course "From blue to yellow china-noir" recently conducted in Turin in collaboration with the literary salon, has led the way (in more effective ways) to a return to crime fiction and tension expected and encouraged by many people: last spring came out "Incoming messages" (Effedue Editions 2006), a novel in the tradition of classic detective tradition that marks the launch of a new original character serial, icy and cynical Commissioner Cardona .

Rina Brundu Eustace, president of the jury.

NOTE: Due to the nature technical of Literary Award The clue Hidden before preparing paper, pen and ink, we recommend (vivamente!) reading the article First, it is not necessary to participate! Rina Brundu Eustace , below. For more information send an e-mail to

Vezon And Kardas Pieces

"The clue hidden mystery writer of the year 2007

"The Hidden Clue" ©

crime writer of the year 2007

Literary Award

The online magazine page Third World,
heading Giallografia ,

announce the
of Literary Prize "The Hidden Clue" mystery writer of the year 2007,
per il miglior romanzo giallo italiano inedito


1. Il concorso è aperto a tutti. La partecipazione è gratuita.

2. Sono ammesse opere in lingua italiana, inedite, mai pubblicate, neppure parzialmente. I romanzi dovranno avere una minimum length of 160 typewritten pages and a maximum of 220. The typewritten should be 30 lines of 60 characters or so.

3. novels yellow kind must comply with the rules of so-called "classic yellow" and then refer to the instructions given in "Twenty Rules for Writing a yellow" (see section Giallografia on or in the original "Twenty rules for writing detective stories" of SS Van Dine .

4. Each author can submit only one work. The novels should be sent to the editorial page of Third World by registered mail in four copies, typewritten or computer printed (plus an electronic version, in. Doc or. Rtf, contained in a CD which back covered in a clear title of the work) not later than 02/06/2007. The shipping details will be requested to the following email address: . 'S e-mail inviata varrà anche a titolo di iscrizione alla lista partecipanti.

5. Nel plico l'autore/autrice inserirà anche un foglio dove saranno riportati in maniera chiara e leggibile: le sue generalità (nome e cognome), il suo indirizzo (completo di via, numero civico, codice di avviamento postale, località di residenza e provincia), recapiti telefonici ed elettronici (indirizzo e-mail), insieme ad una dichiarazione liberatoria che autorizza l'eventuale pubblicazione in esclusiva dell'opera e ad un tempo concede all'organizzazione del Premio un diritto di prelazione sulla pubblicazione the same conditions as described in paragraph 9.

6. Manuscripts WILL NOT BE RETURNED for any reason. Similarly, under no circumstances, will learn about competition entries.

7. A panel of writers and technicians will examine the submitted work *** with the Editorial Page Third World and Giallografia , and decide who the winner will be promptly notified. The decision the jury is final.

8. The novel won the FIRST EDITION of Literary Prize "The Hidden Clue" consecrate the author / author crime writer of the year 2007.

The winner will be awarded the following prizes:
1. Prize money of 250 Euro
2. Targa Giallista dell'anno 2007
3. Iscrizione all'Albo d'ORO de L'Indizio Nascosto
4. Recensione dell'opera e circolazione della stessa in numerosi siti Internet.

9. A discrezione dell'organizzazione del Premio e qualora l'opera venisse considerata idonea, il romanzo premiato sarà pubblicato. La pubblicazione potrà essere curata da Terza Pagina World (necklace Giallografia ), or publisher indicated by the same organizing committee and will be contractually formalized.

10. If the quality of works in competition does not meet the technical standard literary and refined, the organization of the Award reserves the right to not declare any winner ; the current edition would then set aside while you proceed immediately to the publication of the new contract. Participation in the Literary Prize "The clue Hidden crime writer of the year 2007 implies the unconditional acceptance hereto.

*** The jury of the first edition of The Literary Hidden Clue will be as follows:

Prof. Umberto Bartocci , former professor of History of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the 'University of Perugia , author, with Tiziano Agnelli and Adriano Rosellini, of BIRTH, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF THE YELLOW BOOK IN ITALY , Brief history and catalog of policy major series published in Italy from 1903 to 1948.

Giuseppina La Ciura Born in Noto in 1947, lives in Catania. After grammar school, he attended the University of Catania, where she graduated in Modern Literature. He has taught Italian in Milan and Sicily. At fourteen years, thanks Monsieur Hercule Poirot of "The mysterious affair of styles" was madly in love with the classic yellow, a genre that, from the 90's, has begun to "betray" the European Noir.
He wrote about "Yellow Sheet" , directed by Joseph Isnardi fanzine. He has worked at "Dictionary of bibliographic Yellow" Roberto Pirani. Currently, he is editor and translator (from French and English) for the online magazine Europolar . E 'of 813 member and "Les Amis de Simenon" .

Vincenzo De Falco , crime novelist, playwright (his last work, LADRIDISOGNI , the show has been seen in Italy in 2005/2006 in category "Sports for young people"), winner, teamed with Diana Lama, the 1995 German Prize for the best yellow Italian with the novel RED AS HER. Translated and published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, manages ring yellow, yellow WEB RING Italian .

Patrick Pacioni , Roman writer eclectic but with a strong vocation to yellow-noir. After his debut with the short novel "A Long Goodbye" (1997 Taurus - the tragic love story that weaves between brother and sister more than just teenagers), the trilogy begins noir: "Lac du Dramont" (New Authors 2000) " Chatters (New Authors, 2001) "DalleTenebre (Effedue Editions 2002). After a break that saw him grapple with the novel-intimate drama "Mater" (Effedue 2004) and "One arm of the lake" (Effedue 2005 - surprising, original and irreverent review of Manzoni's masterpiece) the conduct of course "From blue to yellow china-noir" recently conducted in Turin in collaboration with the literary salon, has led the way (in more effective ways) to a return to crime fiction and tension expected and encouraged by many people: last spring came out "Incoming messages" (Effedue Editions 2006), a novel in the tradition of classic detective tradition that marks the launch of a new original character serial, icy and cynical Commissioner Cardona .

Rina Brundu Eustace, president of the jury.

NOTE: Due to the nature technical of Literary Award The clue Hidden before preparing paper, pen and ink, we recommend (vivamente!) reading the article First, it is not necessary to participate! Rina Brundu Eustace , below. For more information send an e-mail to

Vezon And Kardas Pieces

"The clue hidden mystery writer of the year 2007

"The Hidden Clue" ©

crime writer of the year 2007

Literary Award

The online magazine page Third World,
heading Giallografia ,

announce the
of Literary Prize "The Hidden Clue" mystery writer of the year 2007,
per il miglior romanzo giallo italiano inedito


1. Il concorso è aperto a tutti. La partecipazione è gratuita.

2. Sono ammesse opere in lingua italiana, inedite, mai pubblicate, neppure parzialmente. I romanzi dovranno avere una minimum length of 160 typewritten pages and a maximum of 220. The typewritten should be 30 lines of 60 characters or so.

3. novels yellow kind must comply with the rules of so-called "classic yellow" and then refer to the instructions given in "Twenty Rules for Writing a yellow" (see section Giallografia on or in the original "Twenty rules for writing detective stories" of SS Van Dine .

4. Each author can submit only one work. The novels should be sent to the editorial page of Third World by registered mail in four copies, typewritten or computer printed (plus an electronic version, in. Doc or. Rtf, contained in a CD which back covered in a clear title of the work) not later than 02/06/2007. The shipping details will be requested to the following email address: . 'S e-mail inviata varrà anche a titolo di iscrizione alla lista partecipanti.

5. Nel plico l'autore/autrice inserirà anche un foglio dove saranno riportati in maniera chiara e leggibile: le sue generalità (nome e cognome), il suo indirizzo (completo di via, numero civico, codice di avviamento postale, località di residenza e provincia), recapiti telefonici ed elettronici (indirizzo e-mail), insieme ad una dichiarazione liberatoria che autorizza l'eventuale pubblicazione in esclusiva dell'opera e ad un tempo concede all'organizzazione del Premio un diritto di prelazione sulla pubblicazione the same conditions as described in paragraph 9.

6. Manuscripts WILL NOT BE RETURNED for any reason. Similarly, under no circumstances, will learn about competition entries.

7. A panel of writers and technicians will examine the submitted work *** with the Editorial Page Third World and Giallografia , and decide who the winner will be promptly notified. The decision the jury is final.

8. The novel won the FIRST EDITION of Literary Prize "The Hidden Clue" consecrate the author / author crime writer of the year 2007.

The winner will be awarded the following prizes:
1. Prize money of 250 Euro
2. Targa Giallista dell'anno 2007
3. Iscrizione all'Albo d'ORO de L'Indizio Nascosto
4. Recensione dell'opera e circolazione della stessa in numerosi siti Internet.

9. A discrezione dell'organizzazione del Premio e qualora l'opera venisse considerata idonea, il romanzo premiato sarà pubblicato. La pubblicazione potrà essere curata da Terza Pagina World (necklace Giallografia ), or publisher indicated by the same organizing committee and will be contractually formalized.

10. If the quality of works in competition does not meet the technical standard literary and refined, the organization of the Award reserves the right to not declare any winner ; the current edition would then set aside while you proceed immediately to the publication of the new contract. Participation in the Literary Prize "The clue Hidden crime writer of the year 2007 implies the unconditional acceptance hereto.

*** The jury of the first edition of The Literary Hidden Clue will be as follows:

Prof. Umberto Bartocci , former professor of History of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the 'University of Perugia , author, with Tiziano Agnelli and Adriano Rosellini, of BIRTH, DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF THE YELLOW BOOK IN ITALY , Brief history and catalog of policy major series published in Italy from 1903 to 1948.

Giuseppina La Ciura Born in Noto in 1947, lives in Catania. After grammar school, he attended the University of Catania, where she graduated in Modern Literature. He has taught Italian in Milan and Sicily. At fourteen years, thanks Monsieur Hercule Poirot of "The mysterious affair of styles" was madly in love with the classic yellow, a genre that, from the 90's, has begun to "betray" the European Noir.
He wrote about "Yellow Sheet" , directed by Joseph Isnardi fanzine. He has worked at "Dictionary of bibliographic Yellow" Roberto Pirani. Currently, he is editor and translator (from French and English) for the online magazine Europolar . E 'of 813 member and "Les Amis de Simenon" .

Vincenzo De Falco , crime novelist, playwright (his last work, LADRIDISOGNI , the show has been seen in Italy in 2005/2006 in category "Sports for young people"), winner, teamed with Diana Lama, the 1995 German Prize for the best yellow Italian with the novel RED AS HER. Translated and published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, manages ring yellow, yellow WEB RING Italian .

Patrick Pacioni , Roman writer eclectic but with a strong vocation to yellow-noir. After his debut with the short novel "A Long Goodbye" (1997 Taurus - the tragic love story that weaves between brother and sister more than just teenagers), the trilogy begins noir: "Lac du Dramont" (New Authors 2000) " Chatters (New Authors, 2001) "DalleTenebre (Effedue Editions 2002). After a break that saw him grapple with the novel-intimate drama "Mater" (Effedue 2004) and "One arm of the lake" (Effedue 2005 - surprising, original and irreverent review of Manzoni's masterpiece) the conduct of course "From blue to yellow china-noir" recently conducted in Turin in collaboration with the literary salon, has led the way (in more effective ways) to a return to crime fiction and tension expected and encouraged by many people: last spring came out "Incoming messages" (Effedue Editions 2006), a novel in the tradition of classic detective tradition that marks the launch of a new original character serial, icy and cynical Commissioner Cardona .

Rina Brundu Eustace, president of the jury.

NOTE: Due to the nature technical of Literary Award The clue Hidden before preparing paper, pen and ink, we recommend (vivamente!) reading the article First, it is not necessary to participate! Rina Brundu Eustace , below. For more information send an e-mail to